Visual Arts II
2 December 2014
I did not enjoy doing this peppermint, making the values was extremely difficult when using this medium. I found it difficult to give that smooth curving look that a peppermint has let alone be able to express the wrapper in with it. I did however enjoy using this medium I liked the way that the color popped and had a glowing effect on the black paper. I think there are a lot of cool ideas that can be expressed through this medium. I was not entirely happy with my final on this project because I was unable to achieve the realistic look of a peppermint. I do however hope to use this medium again in the future because I enjoy the look of this medium on that background.
I enjoyed this project more than the last because using this medium I was better able to capture the shape and wrapping of the Jolly Rancher. The way you were able to draw the lines and over lap them with other colors really helped in the creation of a more realistic Jolly Rancher, it also aided in being able to show a clear wrapper on the candy which is no easy feat when drawing. However, this medium was not my favorite but it was a good starter going into the colored pencils. I believe I captured the same look found in the Jolly Rancher in my artwork. If I had elected to re-do this picture I would have smoothed out the lines accordingly and not been so heavy handed when laying the initial colors down.
This was by far my favorite medium and final product of the three. The colored pencil made attention to detail a lot easier than the thicker mediums that were used in the previous projects. I liked how I was able to capture the folding of the wrapper by how hard I used the pencil. Although this project is primarily white I was still able to capture all the twists and folds found in the wrapper without having to use very much shadow at all. I was very pleased with the final project of this medium, enough do that I chose to use color pencils in my final project for this unit. If I were to re do it I would apply more shadow and value to further express every crinkle and curl in the wrapper. I look forward to using this medium again.
I felt that my final project was good and unique. I chose my favorite of the three mediums which was a colored pencil, this is because I found layering and attention to detail easier. To create my picture I used a style of painting very famous where you just put dots and make a picture from it, only I used colored pencils. I chose to pursue this style because it was unlike any other drawing style in the class as well as the object I elected to draw my inspiration from was a needlepoint belt in which a picture is made up of numerous tiny dots. I first began on a white paper in which the yellow did not show up very well then moved my first final to black paper which proved to be to dark for the blues and in my attempt to lighten the dots up I furthter messed up the project. My true final was on a tan paper which made it easy for you to see the yellows and oranges and made the blues pop. If I could do it again I would create a system to keep myself organized so nothing is unpropirtional or slanted. I enjoyed this project and hope to complete works of art similar in the future.
Clay was a tricky task to complete and overall I wasn't as pleased as I had hoped to be upon completion of my project. The waffles were easy to make although they did not turn out as good as I had excpected in regards to depth of the grooves in the waffle. The plate is the part that really bugged me it didn't come out looking half as clean or crisp as I had wanted it to. Then when I painted over it I decided I did not like the way the color complemented the waffles, that it almost took away from the main focus point. The final product itself didn't look terribly impressive until the clear coat was added, this really created the illusion of a buttered down waffle. This was the key to my success in this project and I am glad that I elected to do the entire thing not just the plate. If I could do it again I would pay more attention to the groves in the waffle but over all I feel that the final product was a success.