1) This project was my favorite this semster, I was extremely happy with the outcome and the colors went together beautifully in my opinion. Although the stencils did not match perfecly I was still very happy with the turn out. This was my first ever stencil project and i was very suprised and happy with my result. I have plans to stencil my surfboard and I am confident that I can do it after learning how to do this. This showed me that shadows and deffinition from a 3D item into a 2D picture mean a lot, it really makes the picture pop from an ameteur picture to a more proffesional looking picture. I used the hidden messages that this picture taught me into almost all of my other work and it has made a tremendous diffrence in my art. Overall I really liked how this picture came out
2) This drawing really taught me a lot about art and the way i draw as my own person. This was part of the contour line project and even though it was only part of a warm up i feel that this drawing helped me see exactly what i can do with a pen and how much proportions matter in a drawing. This picture also made me see that i had my very own style unique from everybody elses, the way i made the creases in my hands i didnt see another one of my classmates do the same way. I was overall very happy with this project and i believe it set the pace for this year in my artwork. I learned a lot from this project involving proportions and attention to detail and the fact that i wasnt allowed to pick up my pencil really helped me see this. Although it is not a perfect drawing of my hand compared to my last few hands that i drew in this exercise this one stood out tremendously and showed how much improvement i could have after just a few tries. That made this project worth while and helped me realize the importance of using several diffrent aspects of art to create a final product high in quality and having a good outcome that i was happy with. Without this project my overall artwork would have suffered, especially in the self portrait, this project helped me see art in a simpler, less confusing way that affected the quality in my artwork for the rest of the year in a positive way.
3) This project was a great project to end on. I personally belive that this reflects the skills that i have learned over the course of the whole year into one final project. This picture shows a little bit of everything that we have worked on throughout the course of visual arts 1. It has traces of blending, shading, painting, drawing, forced perspective, and much more. Almost every project that we have done this year is visible in this picture and the outcome to me personally was a good one. I was very pleased with this picture and it goes down as one of my favorite and proudest pictures that i have done this year. I wouldnt have picked a better project to end on because this picture is everything in one. It really shows how much i have learned in one semester of art from the day i stepped into class until now. If there is one project that i would absolutley keep it would be this one, although painting is not my strong suit this was a great way to end the year. And looking at some of my other classmates throughout the year compared to this one it has really shown there growth as well as mine not just as a student but as an artist too.
4) I really hated this project. As you have read in my blogpost about this project i voiced how i really felt on this one. To me this project was a waste, i can't recalect any important values that i learned from completing this. Although it is not all the projects fault there were several errors on my part that could have been improved on. This print did not turn out the way i had invisioned it to and because of that i feel i did not get what i should have gotten out of this project. Although looking at my classmates work it was obvious that they understood the lesson and executed it perfectly, in my case i wasnt so lucky. This is probably my least favorite picture i have done all year. The concepts that were supposed to be shown through this project i was unable to grasp. I didnt use these concepts in any of my other artwork this year luckily so i did not suffer to bad by being unable to complete this project properly.
5) This project to me really represents me as an artist and a student. If you asked me on the first day of school if i ever thought that i would be able to reach this point i would have said no. This picture, although not very complex, was hard to me at first. But after a little bit of practice and good teaching i was able to make a final product that i was really proud of. This picture shows how much i can learn from barely even knowing what a shadow was to being able to put it on paper and really see where the light hits it and how the light reflects down the shapes. This picture taught me a lot about art that i used throught the rest of the year. These concepts helped me out a ton through the year and also made me a better artist. This drawing reflects exactly how far i have come in such a short time and showed my growth as an artist and as a student and that is why i chose this to reflect me because what seemed impossible at first became a reality when i was able to complete something like this. I was really happy at how the project turned out and this is deffinetly one of my proudest peices of art.
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