Grant Smith
Visual Arts II
12 January 2014
Final Blog
This was by far my favorite unit of this semester. I enjoyed it because I was able to create art in a non-traditional way that allowed me to create a picture that fit so well together out of so many dissimilar things. By doing so the end product that I achieved in both my final and my practice I was extremely pleased with. Although I wish I had done some things differently; first of all I would have used my practice as a final, I was able to find and piece together numerous items that's end piece I enjoyed more, by the time we got to the final piece most of the magazines that I wanted to use from had been torn to shreds and very scarce of anything I found fitting to my piece. Second of all I would have practiced gluing before I pieced it all together, without this prior practice the glue stands out and doesn't work together as smooth and precisely as it does on the final project. I was extremely pleased, however, with the final work of both the practice and the final. The piecing together of these various different snip-its of magazine to create one very uniform smooth end product was a interesting and new way of art that I had yet to have experienced. This project in my mind is an overall success and I look forward to revisiting it in the future on my own time. ![Displaying FullSizeRender.jpg](